
New Storytelling Group Forming in Central OK

As Oklahoma sets sail into a new millennium, a new group is forming to launch storytelling in the state into new and wider waters. OK TELLERS will be a loose association of artists who share tales through a variety of mediums and venues. Classic children's stories, urban tales, paranormal tales, historic tour guides, student storytellers, writer-tellers, puppeteers, and so much more!!
Plans are underway to establish a series of training events to launch people into storytelling! These will be available for scheduling in libraries, youth programs, and other venues for a reasonable program or per participant cost.
If interested, contact oktellers@gmail.com or log on to the Oklahoma Presenters and Performers ning committee http://www.oklapp.ning.com/ and join the OK Tellers group! A website has been set up to help promote the association as well : http://sites.google.com/site/oktellers/
Also, another group is being explored called STORIED TELLERS. If interested in either of these groups please contact the above email.



For more information and to pre-register visit http://www.territorytellers.org/

FRIDAY, JUNE 5 , Seminole State College, Seminole, OK
8:00-9:00Vendor Set-Up
9:00-6:45Vendors Open
8:30Registration begins
9:30-11:30Storytelling WorkshopDan Keding: The Ghost Story: Boo!!Host: Darla L'Allier
11:30-12:30Lunch Break
12:30-2:30Storytelling WorkshopDovie Thomason: Exploring the Landscape of Stories: Your Voice & Your VisionHost: Greg Rodgers
1:00-2:00Story SessionHead 'Em Up: Move 'Em OutHost: Nancy Lenhart MatthewsMolly Lemmons, Jerry Young, Connie Fisher, Sky Shivers
2:45-4:45Storytelling WorkshopElizabeth Ellis: Ta(l)king it PersonallyHost: Jeanette Harjo
2:45-3:45Story SessionFolktales, Fairy Tales, ForeverHost: Barbara JonesKathryn Thurman, Tony Hardman, Liz Parker, Rosemary Czarski
3:50-4:50Story SwapFacilitator/Storyteller: Stella Long
7:00-9:00Evening Story ConcertEmcee: Kathryn ThurmanDan Keding, Dovie Thomason, Sky Shivers
9:30-MidnightGhost Tales (Mekusukey Mission)Emcee: Marilyn A. HudsonDovie Thomason, Dan Keding, Elizabeth Ellis

8:00 Registration
8:00-1:00 & 4:45-6:45Vendors Open
8:30-10:30Storytelling WorkshopSky Shivers: The Brindle CowHost: Kay Plummer
8:45-9:45Story SwapFacilitator/Storyteller: Fran Stallings
10:00-11:00Story SessionStone SoupHost: Tim CouchBonnie Smith, Chester Weems, Rodger Harris, Elizabeth Ellis
11:10-12:10Storytelling WorkshopDarla L'Allier: A is for Aesop, PASS the NarrativeHost: Bonnie Smith
11:15-12:15Story SessionJust for the Sport of ItHost: Luann WatersSteve Kardaleff, Mystery Teller, Sam McMichael, Dan Keding
12:15-1:45Lunch Break
12:45-1:45Territory Tellers General Membership Meeting
1:45-3:15Native American ConcertEmcee: Greg RodgersLorie Robins, Phillip Harjo, Lynn Moroney, Dovie Thomason
1:45-2:45Story SwapFacilitator/Storyteller: Connie Fisher
3:30-4:45Spirit of Oklahoma ConcertEmcee: Elizabeth EllisKyle Dahlem, Greg Rodgers, DWe Williams
7:00-9:00Evening Story ConcertEmcee: Kathryn ThurmanSky Shivers, Dovie Thomason, Dan Keding
9:00Reception: Starry Story Night



Let me tell you about.... The WayWord Telllers and Choctaw Library send a note to say the last story swap for the spring will be at the Choctaw Library, Saturday April 25 (Gee that is tomorrow already) at 10:00 AM. "Come and share a story or two."


Would Your Company Like to be a Sponsor for the Spirit of OK Storytelling Festival?

There is still time to contribute support to this statewide event. Visit the Territory Tellers webpage and contact the President.



The long awaited volume 3 of the "Red Dirt Anthology" from the Red Dirt Book Festival has arrived. This popular - every two year event- features an emphasis on "read-write-talk" as notable authors and emerging voices gather to celebrate the literary landscape of Oklahoma. As the introductory comments of Bill Hagen states: "...the authors represented here are the best testimony to the Oklahoma character, however you define it."
Featured in this third volume are: Dayna Dunbar, Paul Alfred, John T. Biggs, Jim Chastain, Jim Spurr, Julie Murray, Marilyn A. Hudson, Mildred Dennis, Yvonne Carpenter, Jan Hubbard, Hannibal B. Johnson, Davis D. Joyce, Anna Claire Kuchta, Stephen Z. Biller, Ken Hada, Beverly Rorem, Robert Love Taylor, Carolyn Ahern, Yvonne Carpenter, Ken Hada, Sarah Sanders, Rayshell Palmer, Pat Browning, Marion Jablonski, Daniel Charlson, Kathryn Thurman, Dorothy Alexander, Shirley Hoover Biggers, Barbara Wright Jones, Kenneth Shelly Armstrong, Peggie Fielding, Bonnie C. Smith, and Jackie King.
Copies are available from any Pioneer Library System branch. For more information about Red Dirt 4 visit the website www.reddirtbookfestival.org and mark your calendars for Nov. 5-7, 2009 in Shawnee, Oklahoma.


NE Storytellers to meet April 20

Let me tell you about....TgT (the Tallgrass Tellers). They will be meeting Monday, 4/20 at 7pm at Bartlesville library, room B. Everyone is welcome!



OKC StorySlam and the Istvan Gallery Present:"Good Intentions" on Friday, April 17, 2009. Registration: 7:00 p.m.Storytelling begins: 7:30 p.m.
The theme is "Good Intentions." The "Road" is paved with Good Intentions.
Have you ever set out to be the good Samaritan and ended up with a lawsuit? Have you found yourself attempting to solve a problem and actually end up making it bigger? If so, come share your story of Good Intentions at Oklahoma City's premiere storytelling event, the OKC StorySlam.
A StorySlam is an open mike, competitive storytelling event. There is a theme for each evening's event, and stories told must somehow relate to the evening's theme. Participating StorySlammers arrive early to sign up and names are selected at random. StorySlammers will spin tales of 7 minutes or less.
The performance should be told rather than read. Creativity is encouraged, truth is optional.Winners are selected by crowd response so bring all of your loud friends!
This open mike event is FREE and anyone is welcome to participate or listen to the stories. However, story content is often geared toward an adult audience. The evening will continue until everyone has had a chance to tell a story and the winners have been selected.
For more information, contact Stephen Kovash at 405 831-2874, email at okcstoryslam@yahoo.com , www.myspace.com/okcstoryslam or check out OKC StorySlam on Facebook



For more information contact Susie Beasley or Rosemary Czarski at 390-8418. The library is located at 2525 Muzzy Street just 1 block north of NE 23 Street which is OK 62. Sponsored by WayWord Tellers, a Oklahoma City areawide storytelling organization, and the Choctaw Library.