

June 21, 2008/ OKC

Music /Dance / History

Visit the website at http://www.okhistory.org/Folklife/folklifefestival08.html

From their site: "The Oklahoma Folklife Festival will host music, dance, crafts, and other Oklahoma traditions. Crafts will include Mexican paper flower making, piƱata making, and more. American Indian crafts will include basket making, stickball stick making, corn husk dolls, and the making of Dream Catchers. Traditional European-American crafts will include lace making and woodcarving. This year's poster uses Dorothy Sullivan's dancing turtles and accounts for this year's title, "Dance On Down to the Oklahoma Folklife Festival." / Dancing traditions will include Norahua, a local group that proudly performs traditional dances from many parts of Mexico. Jean Hill's School of Irish Dancers will demonstrate the contest dancing traditions that originated in Ireland. The Northern Plains Indian Club of Pawnee will demonstrate various dances common at Oklahoma's most lively tradition, the Pow Wow. Asian traditions celebrate new beginings with Lion Dancers. This ancient tradition is loud, funny, and wonderfully colorful. "

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