
STORYTIME IN 2009: Memberships

Now is the time to consider joining, or renewing membership in the National Storytelling Network. It is also a good time to join the only statewide organization in Oklahoma, The Territory Tellers. If you tell stories - in any venue or style - consider joining these two groups. The more people unite to support what they do the greater the profile becomes and the greater the awareness of people who fund and schedule for events. Do you share stories in a bookstore? Do you share stories on tours? Do you present a character for historic tours? Do you give tours? Do you tell to school children? Do you tell in care facilities? Do you share tales in church, synagogue, temple, or house? Do you convince co-workers by telling a story? Do you comfort a frightened patient with a story? Do you write stories, poems, or songs? No greater workshop for honing skills than learning or listening to the oral story. No you work with puppets? Do you create digital stories? You need to join........It's Storytime in 2009!

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