
YOUTHFUL VOICES: National Storytelling Festival in TN

A message for teachers, parents, storytelling groups, and any other interested parties:
"Greetings to all Storytelling Guild representatives! I hope this holiday season finds you well. We are in the process of planning for the YouthfulVoices segment of the 2008 National Storytelling Festival and hope you will know young talent in your area who you can encourage to apply to tell inJonesborough!
The link to our online informationabout Youthful Voices is http://www.storytellingcenter.net/festival/Youthful-VoicesApp_08.pdf- please check it out! The deadline for response is March 31, 2008. Becky Brunson, Program Administrator." Becky Brunson
Program Administrator International Storytelling Center
116 W Main Street Jonesborough TN 37659
Direct Line 423-913-1343Toll-Free 800-952-8392, ext. 282Fax 423-913-8219
E-mail: becky@storytellingcenter.nethttp://www.storytellingcenter.net"


Winter Tales : Feb. 15-17, 2008, OKC

Stage Center in Downtown Oklahoma City
Be part of the 27th WinterTales Storytelling Festival in Downtown Oklahoma City celebrating the art of storytelling. WinterTales features music, stories, and workshops. Enjoy the stories of nationally-acclaimed tellers Syd Lieberman, Nancy Donoval, and Dovie Thomason, and a special performances by singer-songwriter Steve Poltz. Info at:



The long, cold nights of winter are perfect times for individuals and families to gather around glowing candles or flickering fireplaces and share stories of childhood, the fish that got away, or tales of heroes and tricksters.
To get started here are some ideas: tell your children the story of how they were born, why they bear their name, how mom and dad met, share the story of how you learned to ride a bike, your friends as a child, or your favorite memory...gather with friends and the school yearbook and let the stories flow!....encourage children and teens to share stories they have learned....use stories to teach values of courage, faith, love, and kindness...share the things your families values by sharing the stories of your history...create traditions for your family to treasure for generations....