

The Oklahoma City Arts Council has announced that "Winter Tales" 2009 will be the finale for this concert and learning event begun in the 1980's. It will transition to a fall event and be renamed the OKLAHOMA CITY STORYTELLING FESTIVAL

"After this final performance, WinterTales will be renamed the Oklahoma City Storytelling Festival and moved permanently to the fall. This year, the new festival will be held Sept. 11 to 12 and will include multiple tellers and performers, workshops and family matinees. "

That means Oklahoma will be home to TWO storytelling festivals in the summer and fall and the annual TELLABRATION events in Novemeber!

In June mark the first Friday and Saturday for the "SPIRIT OF OKLAHOMA STORYTELLING FESTIVAL" in Seminole on the campus of Seminole State College. This event sponsored by the state story organization, The Territory Tellers, will continue to bring in nationally and internationally acclaimed tellers but also showcase the grand names and rising stars from among Oklahoma storytelling talent.

In September, mark the dates for the new OKLAHOMA CITY STORYTELLING FESTIVAL on Sept. 11, 12. The OKC Arts Council group will continue its tradition of bringing in out of state artists to entertain and provide educational opportunities.

Then look for annoucements for celebrations of story via the TELLABRATION events where Oklahomans join tellers and audiences world wide in a mega evening of storytelling!


Duncan Story Fest

Let me tell you about....Sat. night Feb. 6th at 6:30 PM. in the Duncan Senior Citizen's Center , located at 110 N 7^th Street, there will be a celebration of story and song. Duncan’s First Annual Storyfest will feature storytellers Ann Brown, Head Librarian at the Duncan Public Library, Sam McMichael, a well-known regional teller from Apache, OK., and another teller. Music will be presented by a children’s choir from a local school. Steve Kardalef, a nationally known promoter of storytelling, will be the master of ceremonies. For an old-fashioned evening of family entertainment don't miss Duncan’s First Annual Storyfest. Admission is free, refreshments will be served at intermission, and donations will be accepted.